The Average Case Complexity
of Surf Maps
James Wen
The notion of a surf map, which dynamically graphs pages
a user visits while surfing the web, is described and compared to the more
common notion of site maps. It is claimed that the average case growth
complexity of links given n pages is O(n).
Getting lost in a hypertextual medium such as the world
wide web is a very common occurance. To help users navigate and orient
themselves, web sites often offer site maps which show the relationships
between web pages in a web site. The most natural approach is to
use a graph where nodes and links represent web pages and hyperlinks, respectively.
However, since each page on a site with n pages can potentially link to
O(n) pages, the number of links grows as O(n2)
for a site map. The resulting graph is likely to be visually cluttered.
Nonetheless, because site maps can be invaluable for navigating
complicated web sites, various approaches have been taken to provide similar
tools without the drawbacks. Discarding links can result in a visually
cleaner, if incomplete, site map [1] while utilizing a
folder-tree hierarchy can provide a familiar, if restrictive, interface
[2]. More creative
solutions turn to neural networks [3] or the use of
pseudo 3D index card layouts [4].
It seems unfortunate, although perhaps an unavoidable
consequence, that large web sites - which typically need site maps the
most - so easily overwhelm graphs that serve to represent them. This
is unfortunate because graphs are such a natural visual counterpart to
the web. But site maps are not the only tools that require a visualization
of the web. In fact, as useful as they are in providing much needed
overviews of web sites, they are limited by the fact that they are fixed
to a given collection of web pages. Following a link to a web page
off the web site effectively renders the site map irrelevant. What
is needed is a navigational tool that follows the user anywhere on the
world wide web.
Like a site map, a surf map is defined over web pages
and the links that relate them. However, rather than a static map
that only reflects a pre-defined portion of the world wide web, a surf
map is dynamically created and a new node is added to the graph each time
the user visits a new web page. Surf maps are not limited by virtual
boundaries that divide the world wide web into separate web sites; all
web pages are treated equally. Functionally, surf maps help users return
to previously visited web pages with ease and to see the choices made and
branches taken which got them to where they are. Work done in this
area includes MosiacG [5], Pad++ [6],
and SurfSerf [7].
Links are added to a surf map as they are taken to retrieve
web pages. Browsers typically reserve a different color for links
that point to pages that have been visited from links that point
to unvisited pages. Additionally, the URL of a link’s destination
is usually visible in a status area of the browser. Thus, the user
has multiple cues indicating whether
following a link will lead to a new page or return to a visited page.
Except for the webmaster checking the integrity of links, it is safe to
assume that a typical user will not want to return to a page over and over
again simply because a link to that page exists. (Indeed, it is unrealistic
to even expect a user would even know where all the links to a given page
can be found on the web.) If we designate k as the maximum number
of times a user will return to a page before ignoring subsequent links
to that same page, then the maximum number of links added for a particular
page is k for a given surf session. The number of links for n pages
is thus kn and it follows that the number of links in a surf map defined
over n pages is O(n), in the average case.
The O(n) growth rate of links in surf maps makes
them more suitable for display as graphs than site maps. This is
a desirable feature since the web is most naturally visualized as a graph
network comprising of links and nodes (thus, a “web”). It should
be noted, however, that the dynamic nature of surf maps may offset the
advantages gained from a slower growth rate of links: one must be careful
to ensure that the addition of new nodes
to the graph only minimally affects the global layout of the graph.
Collective structures (e.g. subgraphs) in the graph that may become familiar
to a user are of immeasurable value for maintaining orientation on the
web and, as such, should remain intact as much as possible.
This paper examined the notion of surf maps and compared the growth
rate of links (with respect to the number of pages) to that of site maps.
It is claimed that, in the average case, surf maps behaved better than
site maps. Coupled with the fact that surf maps are not limited to
a pre-defined set of web pages, they can serve as practical tools for helping
users navigating the world wide web.